Cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after surgery to treat sweaty palms and blushing

The amount of compensatory sweating depends on the patient, the damage that the white rami communicans incurs, and the amount of cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after surgery.

After severing the cervical sympathetic trunk, the cells of the cervical sympathetic ganglion undergo transneuronic degeneration
After severing the sympathetic trunk, the cells of its origin undergo complete disintegration within a year.


Spinal cord infarction occurring during thoraco-lumbar sympathectomy
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1963;26:418-421 doi:10.1136/jnnp.26.5.418

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"We quickly discovered that lay people often lack the (medical) knowledge to make well-considered judgements"

Jane McCredie: Wishing on risks

MjaInsight Monday, 11 November, 2013
Moreover, GPs and plastic surgeons can both be approached directly by patients in The Netherlands. The physicians studied raised many arguments that were expected: they used patient autonomy, risks and benefits, normality and justice to limit wish-fulfilling medicine. In addition, arguments new to this debate were uncovered, which were frequently used to justify compliance with a patient's request. Such arguments seem familiar from conventional medicine, including empathy, the patient–doctor relationship and reassurance. Moreover, certain arguments that play a significant role in the literature on wish-fulfilling medicine and enhancement were not mentioned, such as concepts of disease and the enhancement–treatment dichotomy and ‘suspect norms’.

"We quickly discovered that lay people often lack the (medical) knowledge to make well-considered judgements"

Monday, February 17, 2014

The sympathetic system is responsible for the physiological responses to emotional states

The common epithet of “fight or flight” is being enlarged to be “fight, flight, or fright” or even “fight, flight, fright, or freeze.” Cannon’s original contribution was a catchy phrase to express some of what the nervous system does in response to a threat, but it is incomplete. The sympathetic system is responsible for the physiological responses to emotional states. The name “sympathetic” can be said to mean that (sym- = “together”; -pathos = “pain,” “suffering,” or “emotion”).

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Following a peripheral nerve injury, a sterile inflammation develops in sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia

Following a peripheral nerve injury, a sterile inflammation develops in sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) with axons that project in the damaged nerve trunk. Macrophages and T-lymphocytes invade these ganglia where they are believed to release cytokines that lead to hyperexcitability and ectopic discharge, possibly contributing to neuropathic pain. Here, we examined the role of the sympathetic innervation in the inflammation of L5 DRGs of Wistar rats following transection of the sciatic nerve, comparing the effects of specific surgical interventions 10-14days prior to the nerve lesion with those of chronic administration of adrenoceptor antagonists. Immunohistochemistry was used to define the invading immune cell populations 7days after sciatic transection. Removal of sympathetic activity in the hind limb by transecting the preganglionic input to the relevant lumbar sympathetic ganglia (ipsi- or bilateral decentralization) or by ipsilateral removal of these ganglia with degeneration of postganglionic axons (denervation), caused less DRG inflammation than occurred after a sham sympathectomy. By contrast, denervation of the lymph node draining the lesion site potentiated T-cell influx. Systemic treatment with antagonists of α1-adrenoceptors (prazosin) or β-adrenoceptors (propranolol) led to opposite but unexpected effects on infiltration of DRGs after sciatic transection. Prazosin potentiated the influx of macrophages and CD4+ T-lymphocytes whereas propranolol tended to reduce immune cell invasion. These data are hard to reconcile with many in vitro studies in which catecholamines acting mainly via β2-adrenoceptors have inhibited the activation and proliferation of immune cells following an inflammatory challenge.
 2013 Dec 23.

Immune cell involvement in dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord after chronic constriction or transection of the rat sciatic nerve.

Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve in rodents produces mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia and is a common model of neuropathic pain. Here we compare the inflammatory responses in L4/5 dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and spinal segments after CCI with those after transection and ligation at the same site. Expression of ATF3 after one week implied that 75% of sensory and 100% of motor neurones had been axotomized after CCI. Macrophage invasion of DRGs and microglial and astrocytic activation in the spinal cord were qualitatively similar but quantitatively distinct between the lesions. The macrophage and glial reactions around neurone somata in DRGs and ventral horn were slightly greater after transection than CCI while, in the dorsal horn, microglial activation (using markers OX-42(for CD11b) and ED1(for CD68)) was greater after CCI. In DRGs, macrophages positive for OX-42(CD11b), CD4, MHC II and ED1(CD68) more frequently formed perineuronal rings beneath the glial sheath of ATF3+ medium to large neurone somata after CCI. There were more invading MHC II+ macrophages lacking OX-42(CD11b)/CD4/ED1(CD68) after transection. MHC I was expressed in DRGs and in spinal sciatic territories to a similar extent after both lesions. CD8+ T-lymphocytes aggregated to a greater extent both in DRGs and the dorsal horn after CCI, but in the ventral horn after transection. This occurred mainly by migration, additional T-cells being recruited only after CCI. Some of these were probably CD4+. It appears that inflammation of the peripheral nerve trunk after CCI triggers an adaptive immune response not seen after axotomy.
 2007 Jul;21(5):599-616. Epub 2006 Dec 21.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

prolongation of the isometric (tension) period (TP) of the left ventricle occurred in the majority (72 per cent) of all cases after sympathectomy

The prolongation of the isometric (tension) period (TP) of the left ventricle which occurred in the majority (72 per cent) of all cases after unilateral or bilateral transthoracic sympathectomy (without or with unilateral or bilateral transthoracic splanchnicotomy) indicates a diminution of inotropic cardiac action. It can be assumed to correspond to the cholinergic (vagal) preponderance which results from a partial or complete sympathetic denervation of the heart. Reduction of the pulse pressure oc-

curred in 56 per cent of the cases, probably due to the same mechanism.

www.chestjournal.org/content/38/4/423.full.pdfby W RAAB - 1960