Cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after surgery to treat sweaty palms and blushing

The amount of compensatory sweating depends on the patient, the damage that the white rami communicans incurs, and the amount of cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after surgery.

After severing the cervical sympathetic trunk, the cells of the cervical sympathetic ganglion undergo transneuronic degeneration
After severing the sympathetic trunk, the cells of its origin undergo complete disintegration within a year.


Spinal cord infarction occurring during thoraco-lumbar sympathectomy
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1963;26:418-421 doi:10.1136/jnnp.26.5.418

Monday, December 10, 2012

Medical Board Disciplines ETS surgeon Dr Nielson

Nielson,  David  Hugh,  M.D.,  Lic.  #K0962,  San  Antonio  TX
On  February  5,  2010,  the  Board  and  Dr.  Nielson  entered  into  an  agreed  order  requiring  Dr. Nielson  to  complete  15  hours  of  CME  in  medical  record-­keeping,  risk  management  and  ethics within  one  year;;  and  pay  an  administrative  penalty  of  $4,000  within  60  days.  The  action  was based  on  the  Board’s  finding  that  Dr.  Nielson  failed  to  keep  adequate  medical  records,  failed to  use  proper  diligence  in  his  professional  practice,  and  failed  to  adequately  supervise  the activities  of  those  acting  under  his  supervision.  The  Board  found  that  digital  photos  that  were part  of  patient  records  were  inadvertently  deleted  and  that  Dr.  Nielson  authorized  a  person  to represent  his  clinic  and  that  person  misrepresented  risks  and  procedures  for  Dr.  Nielson’s treatment  of  rosacea. 