ETS for palmar HH results in systemic (non-localized) changes of the ANS function
Associated change in plantar temperature and sweating after transthoracic
PMID: 11453433 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume were all slightly but significantly decreased after sympathectomy
Palmar hyperhidrosis, probably caused by an over-reactivity of sympathetic
baroreflex response for maintaining cardiovascular stability is suppressed in the patients who received the ETS
in both pressor and depressor tests in the patients with palmar hyperhidrosis. We should
note that baroreflex response for maintaining cardiovascular stability is suppressed in the
patients who received the ETS.
Anesthesiology 2001; 95:A160
Correspondingly the acini were loaded with secretory granules at 12 and 48 hours but were extensively depleted of granules at 24 hours. This loss of granules is considered to be due to sympathetic "degeneration secretion" caused by the release of noradrenaline from the degenerating adrenergic nerves between 12 and 24 hours after ganglionectomy. This is thought to be the first example of morphological change resulting from "degeneration activation" to be recorded microscopically.
Cell Tissue Res. 1975 Sep 16;162(1):1-12.
Degeneration Secretion and Supersensitivity in Salivary Glands following Denervations, and the Effects on Choline Acetyltransferase Activity.
Garrett JR, Ekstr�m J, Anderson LC (eds): Neural Mechanisms of Salivary Gland Secretion.Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 1999, vol 11, pp 166-184
(DOI: 10.1159/000061117)
Circulating catecholamines, however, influence the amount of amylase and peroxidase secreted by the rat parotid gland in response to parasympathetic nerve stimulation and account for most of the increased secretion of these enzymes following chronic sympathectomy.
There was a reduction in all proline-rich proteins (PRP) in the saliva following sympathectomy.
Sympathectomy decreases the release of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) from blood vessels
Left cardiac sympathectomy prevents exercise-induced QTc prolongation in congenital long QT syndrome
Exp Clin Cardiol. 2003 Spring; 8(1): 31–32. | PMCID: PMC2716198 |
ability of blood platelets to aggregate is significantly lower
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences | |
Publisher | Birkhäuser Basel |
ISSN | 1420-682X (Print) 1420-9071 (Online) |
Issue | Volume 36, Number 7 / July, 1980 |
esidual pneumothorax is common,gas exchange may be impaired and the lung is at some risk of recollapse
Cameron`s claim that there has been only one death attributable to synchronous bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy is implausible. Surgeons and anaesthetists are reticent in publicizing such events and Civil Law Reports of settled cases are an inadequate measure of the current running total. The custom of a majority is no guarantee of safety and is seldom a guide to best medical practice.
Jack Collin,
Consultant Surgeon
After unilateral sympathectomy the incidence of medial calcinosis on the operated side was significantly higher than on the non-operated side
Klin Wochenschr. 1985 Mar 1;63(5):211-6.
PMID: 3990163 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
Medial arterial calcification (MAC) is a frequent vascular finding in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Morphologically distinct from focal calcifications of atherosclerosis its radiographically distinct tramline pattern is frequently encountered in the arteries of the lower extremities. MAC is inconsistently related to age, duration and therapy of diabetes. In contrast, a strong association with diabetic polyneuropathy and familial aggregation have been documented. Although initially considered benign MAC is now recognized as a strong predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. Investigations into MAC pathogenes and into its role in vascular pathophysiology are underway.
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie | |
Publisher | Steinkopff |
ISSN | 0300-5860 (Print) 1435-1285 (Online) |
Issue | Volume 89, Number 14 / February, 2000 |
DOI | 10.1007/s003920070107 |
Reduced brain perfusion and cognitive performance
Some recent findings challenge this doctrine: reduced cognitive performance in hypotension has been demonstrated by neuropsychological testing, and EEG studies have revealed diminished cortical activity. Moreover, the assumption of unimpaired brain perfusion in hypotension no longer holds. In the present review the necessity of a reappraisal concerning hypotension is discussed in light of the relationship between blood pressure and cerebral functioning.
Clin Auton Res. 2007 April; 17(2): 69–76. Published online 2006 November 14. doi: 10.1007/s10286-006-0379-7. | PMCID: PMC1858602 |

Stefan Duschek, Phone: +49-89/2180-5297, Fax: +49-89/2180-5233, Email:
Only 20.3% suffered from severe CH
- Wolosker, Nelson1
Yazbek, Guilherme1
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Ishy, Augusto2
Puech-Leão, Pedro1 - Source:
- Clinical Autonomic Research; Jun2007, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p172-176, 5p, 1 chart
statistically significant changes were recorded in the head, hands, axillas, and soles
Surgical Endoscopy; Nov2007, Vol. 21 Issue 11, p2030-2033, 4p, 2 charts
Elimination of the dominant signal (e.g., surgical sympathectomy) may allow a secondary- signal to control phase
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology; Jul2008, Vol. 64 Issue 1, pR355-R360, 6p, 2 charts, 2 graphs
Similar pathological effects of sympathectomy and hypercholesterolemia on arterial smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts
Six percent of the patients regret the surgery because of severe CS
Pulmonary Function and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness.
Journal of Asthma; Apr2009, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p276-279, 4p, 3 charts
sympathectomy can produce capillary abnormalities in the retina similar to those seen in early diabetes
Experimental Eye Research; Jun2009, Vol. 88 Issue 6, p1014-1019, 6p
- Steinle, Jena J.1
Kern, Timothy S.2
Thomas, Steven A.3
McFadyen-Ketchum, Lisa S.4
Smith, Christopher P.4
Bilateral surgical sympathectomy provides a valuable tool for future investigations of the cellular basis of supersensitivity in the myocardium
Volume 234, Issue 1, pp. 280-287, 07/01/1985
Copyright © 1985 by American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Long-Term Denervation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Causes Not Only Functional but Structural Change
Rosemary D. Bevan, Hiromichi Tsuru
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
Address of Corresponding Author
Blood Vessels 1979;16:109-112 (DOI: 10.1159/000158197)
Bilateral cervical sympathectomies should be avoided because of the destruction of cardioaccelerator tone
Receptor hypersensitivity is a common problem after significant sympathetic injury,_Sympathetic_Nerve
Long-term cardiopulmonary function after thoracic sympathectomy
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009 Jun 25.
blocks the cardiac sympathetic fibers and consequently decreases heart rate, cardiac output and contractility
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993;12(5):483-92.
PMID: 8311355 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
response varies depending on the degree of sympathetic tone before the block
High TEA added to general anaesthesia significantly decreased the cardiac acceleration in response to decreasing blood pressure, suggesting that baroreflex-mediated heart rate response to a decrease in arterial blood pressure depends on the integrity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Edgecliff: Dec 2000. Vol. 28, Iss. 6, p. 620-35 (16 pp.) Australian Society of Anaesthetists
HPA-axis plays a crucial role in the development and intensity of autoimmune diseases
EAE derived data support that increased HPA-axis reactivity is accompanied by enlarged capacity to secrete and produce Th-2-cytokines. While decreased HPA-reactivity is accompanied by enlarged capacity to secrete and produce Th-1-cytokines.
Sympathectomy and axanotomy were accompanied by stress-induced increases of EAE immunological responses. Transferred Th1-cells of such sympathectomized animals to healthy animals resulted in increased EAE.
In: Research Focus on Cognitive Disorders ISBN 1-60021-483-5
Editor: Valerie N. Plishe © 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
sympathectomy might suppress immune functions
Sympathectomy might influence thermogenesis by modulating the activity the activity of the immune system in two ways - by reducing the modulatory influences of catecholamines on immune cells as well as by increasing the secretion of glucocorticoids.
Seminars in Cancer Biology 18 (2008)
Bors Mravec, Yori Gidron, Ivan Hulin
The altered pattern of the response suggests that the nitric oxide-dependent portion may be accelerated in sympathectomized limbs
Depression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase but Increased Expression of Endothelin-1 Immunoreactivity in Rat Thoracic Aortic Endothelium Associated With Long-term, but Not Short-term, Sympathectomy
Circulation Research. 1996;79:317-323sympathectomy results in an increased collagen content in the vascular wall
the vascular wall, suggesting a stiffening of the vessel wall (9). Giannattasio et al.
Copyright © 2005 by the American College of Sports Medicine
DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000174890.13395.e7
adverse effects and complications are not systematically reported
The weighted mean incidence of gustatory
The weighted mean incidence of phantom sweating was 38.6 % (range 0-59%), with data extracted from 13 papers (that specifically reported the phenomenon) and 1,539 patients.
The weighted mean incidence of neuropathic pain complications was 11.9% (range 0-87%),with data extracted from 37 papers and 1,979 patients.
Given the fact that most of the existing literature is geared towards a) assessing only the effectiveness of the surgical sympathectomy procedures, and b) publishing only studies with positive results, adverse effects and complications are not systematically reported but rather as a secondary outcome. It seems, therefore, highly likely that the complications as reported here, are truly underestimated.
The study indicates that surgical sympathectomy, irrespective of operative approach and indication, may be associated with many and potentially serious complications.
A Systematic Literature Review of Late Complications
Andrea Furlana,c MD, Angela Mailisa,bMD, MSc, FRCPC
unable to establish the etiology of redistribution
Bilateral upper thoracic sympathicolysis is followed by redistribution of body perspiration, with a clear decrease in the zones regulated by mental or emotional stimuli, and an increase in the areas regulated by environmental stimuli, though we are unable to establish the etiology of this redistribution.
Surgical Endoscopy; Nov2007, Vol. 21 Issue 11
migration of adventitial fibroblasts and loss of medial smooth muscle cells
Our results show that in the media of FAs hypercholesterolemia induces changes similar to those observed in sympathectomized rabbits in non-pathological conditions, i.e., migration of adventitial FBs to the media and loss of medial SMCs. These latter changes, which can be ascribed to pathological events, were accentuated after sympathectomy in the hypercholesterolemic rabbits. The present study reveals that pathological events, including migration and phenotypic modulation of vascular FBs and loss of SMCs, may be under the influence of sympathetic nerves.
Acta Histochemica; Jul2008, Vol. 110 Issue 4, p302-313, 12p
elevated susceptibility to ventricular fibrillation after sympathectomy
Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology; Oct2008, Vol. 86 Issue 10,
Side effect of elective surgery - disastrous proportions
The search identified 42 techniques of sympathetic ablation. However, pertinent data for the present study were reported for only 23 techniques with multiple publications found only for 10. The only statistically valid results from this review point that T2 resection and R2 transection of the chain (over the second rib) ensue in less CHH than does electrocoagulation of T2. Further comparisons were probably prevented due to the enormous disparity in the reported results, indicating lack of standardization in definitions. The compiled results published so far in the literature do not support the claims that lowering the level of sympathetic ablation, using a method of ablation other than resection, or restricting the extend of sympathetic ablation for primary palmar hyperhidrosis result in less CHH. In the future, standardization of the methods of retrieving and reporting data are necessary to allow such a comparison of data.
World Journal of Surgery; Nov2008, Vol. 32 Issue 11, p2343-2356, 14p
High incidence of nausea and vomiting after sympathectomy
Because of the high Incidence of nausea and vomiting in our study, we have reconsidered antiemetic prophylaxis in patients at moderate risk (two risk factors). We also recommend strategies for lowering underlying risk such as using total intravenous anaesthesia, keeping opioid use to a minimum and intravenously administering a large volume of preoperative balanced salt solution [6]. We found no reason to explain the high incidence of nausea and vomiting in these patients other than failure to implement these measures. There might have been an effect of starting to drink in the postoperative intensive care area;
however, we could not establish a correlation between start of drinking and the onset of nausea and vomiting.
Thoracic sympathectomy by videothoracoscopy on an outpatient basis can be performed safely if strict control
of pain is established and vomiting and surgical complications are avoided. Nevertheless, the anaesthesiologist
should be alert to the possibility of serious complications associated with this type of surgery.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2009, Vol 26 No 4
SNS regulates cerebral blood flow
Am J Physiol. 1980 Apr;238(4):H594-8.

sympathetic denervation-hypersensitivity and migraine
There appears to be an asymmetrical adrenoceptor disorder in M and C possibly due to sympathetic denervation-hypersensitivity.
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain
Published Online: 22 Jun 2005
Complications of endoscopic sympathectomy
Alan E. P. Cameron |
Abstract |
European Journal of Surgery
See Also:
Published Online: 2 Dec 2003
Catastrophic complications - tension pneumothorax
Catastrophic complications such as delayed recognition of tensionpneumothorax from left sided CO2 insufflation, leading to fatal and
disabling consequences was reported.
Doolabh N, Horswell S, Williams M, Huber L, Syma Prince S, Meyer
DM, and Mack MJ. Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy for Hyperhi-
drosis: Indications and Results. Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 77: 410 – 414.